Electronic Import of Orders

Glass Office can import from many other sales order processing systems, of both industry partners and competitive systems. We publish our file layouts and promote open systems throughout our industry. Please email us for the latest formats and documentation.

Glass Office can import orders from many window manufacturing systems such as Evolution (Business Micros), Windowmaker (Windowmaker Software Ltd), Window Designer (First Degree Systems Ltd) and Caliburn (Merlin Software). Orders imported from window programs can have the Georgian bar layout already configured, so there is no redesigning of Lead or Georgian layouts needed and useful labels can be produced.

Glass Office can also import orders from conservatory roof manufacturing systems such as Roofwright, Concad (GGT & UGT files), PST iDesign (.GLS files) and FDS. This can include DXF shaped units, which can then be nested in the GlasSave glass optimiser. The software can import a full DXF drawing and separate out the individual DXF glass shapes required as well – for example balustrades from the DXF of the complete staircase.

Glass Office can also import from other glass industry programs such as Li-Ord and GPS.Order (Lisec Software), ALFAK/ALCIM (Albat & Wirsam Software), and Hanic (OSKA format) and a few less well known domestic software vendors. Of course, one Glass Office system can import from another Glass Office system at different companies for up and downstream suppliers (eg. supply of single toughened glass or buying in finished units).

Below is a screen shot of the import facility, showing some of the existing formats