This option enables you to print labels for each piece of glass. Labels can be virtually any format you want. All of our reports are written with SAP Crystal Reports. This means that you can edit the layout, add your own logos and colours or change fonts or layouts, add barcodes, etc. all without referring back to us. The label can have BBA/BSI logos/kitemarks on, if required. You can also automaticaly print your customers’ logo on the labels if you like.
We supply low tack labels for glass. These are usually 6 or 14 to an A4 page, they can be printed in different colours for different customers, and even printed without your name on, ie. only your customers name on it, so their customer can’t trace the work back to you (and cut him out of the next deal), which some customers insist on.
Here are some pictures of typical IGU company labels – showing the coloured strip that is stuck on the side of the unit for each identification – this can identify delivery day and route, or customer to intuitively prevent loading mistakes.
Below is an explanation of the 4 per page “bullet” labels, they are called this because of the tear off strip at the top of the label.
When printed on a normal colour laser printer they might look like this:-
Here is a short video of printing of full colour labels for IGU’s printed on a roll
Below is a sample of a Glass Processing company label which are typically printed on a thermal printer on a roll.
This label shows which day each process needs to take place, so that everyone in the factory knows if the job is progressing in a timely fashion, the barcode enables us to track it though the factory.
Click this link for an explanation of the barcode tracking